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Rachel (Wives of the Patriarchs Book #3): A Novel | Christian Fiction Books
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Rachel (Wives of the Patriarchs Book #3): A Novel

$12.00  $9.99
 Format: Kindle  Series: Wives of the Patriarchs  Author: Jill Eileen Smith  Category: Biblical, Historical, Romance  Publisher: Revell  Published: 04/02/2014  ASIN: B00DY9FOW8  Pages: 322  Country: America  Language: English  Buy on Amazon

Beautiful Rachel wants nothing more than for her older half sister Leah to wed and move out of their household. Maybe then she would not feel so scrutinized, so managed, so judged. Plain Leah wishes her father Laban would find a good man for her, someone who would love her alone and make her his only bride. Unbeknownst to either of them, Jacob is making his way to their home, trying to escape a past laced with deceit and find the future God has promised him.

But the past comes back to haunt Jacob when he finds himself on the receiving end of treachery and the victim of a cruel bait and switch. The man who wanted only one woman will end up with sisters who have never gotten along and now must spend the rest of their lives sharing a husband. In the power struggles that follow, only one woman will triumph . . . or will she?

Combining meticulous research with her own imaginings, Jill Eileen Smith not only tells one of the most famous love stories of all time but will manage to surprise even those who think they know the story inside and out.

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