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A Passionate Hope (Daughters of the Promised Land Book #4): Hannah’s Story | Christian Fiction Books
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A Passionate Hope (Daughters of the Promised Land Book #4): Hannah’s Story

$15.00  $10.99
 Format: Kindle  Series: Daughters of the Promised Land  Author: Jill Eileen Smith  Category: Biblical, Historical, Romance  Publisher: Revell  Published: 06/02/2018  ISBN: 0800720377  ASIN: B0741F31XC  Pages: 370  Country: America  Language: English  Buy on Amazon

Hannah and her husband, Elkanah, share a deep and abiding love, for each other, for their God, and for his tabernacle at Shiloh. Greatly disturbed by the corruption of the priests, they long for restoration and pray for a deliverer. But nothing changes as the years pass. Years that also reveal Hannah to be barren.

Pressured by his family to take another wife, Elkanah marries Peninnah, who quickly begins to bear children. Disgraced and taunted by her husband’s new wife, Hannah turns again to prayers that seem doomed to go unanswered. Do her devotion and kindness in the face of Peninnah’s cruelty count for nothing? Why does God remain silent and indifferent to her pleas?

Travel back to the dusty streets of Shiloh with an expert guide as Jill Eileen Smith brings to life a beloved story of hope, patience, and deliverance that shows that even the most broken of relationships can be restored.

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